The Government has published proposed changes following its review of the Highway Code which incorporates a hierarchy of road users. This is to try to ensure that those who can do the most harm on the roads have the greatest responsibility to ensure that a mutually respectful and considerate culture of safe and effective road use can be implemented for the benefit all road users.


Since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic we have seen a huge increase in people walking and cycling. It is therefore even more important that vulnerable users like pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders feel safe sharing the road with others.


The new guidance aims to create clearer and stronger priorities for pedestrians and places a requirement on drivers to give priority to cyclists when they are turning in to or out of  junctions and when changing lane or direction, just as they would give allowance to any other motor vehicle.


The rules go on to state that cyclists must respect pedestrian safety and it is recommended that cyclists give way to pedestrians when waiting to cross the road at side roads or at junctions.


These new changes are part of the “build back greener” initiative which could help the UK to reach its next zero emission target by 2050.


The Government is doing what it can to encourage people to walk or cycle when they can and we hope that these changes will ensure that motorists accommodate more vulnerable road users.


If you or someone you know has been injured in a road traffic accident through no fault of your own then please contact Rhian Lowe on 01206 835269 or [email protected].