The Wills, Life Planning and Probate team in the Colchester office have changed the time for their drop-in clinic. Instead of running from 10am to 1pm, we will be offering this service from 12pm to 2pm. These are running every Thursday.
Taking account of our particular location on the Colchester Business Park, unlike our other offices – most people are in the area to work (rather than shopping) – most working hours are 9am to 5pm and therefore people may find it difficult to attend during the previous times offered by us because of those work commitments.
We have taken the decision, for the benefit and care of our clients, to move the times to cover the lunch hours, so that employees on the business park can take advantage of the free drop in service we offer. Anyone can drop in over these times to ask us questions regarding any of the areas of law outlined below.
This decision is also in light of the team’s decision to have one person from their number in the Colchester office on Saturday mornings to meet the needs of our clients outside of their working hours, whether that be to sign Wills, LPAs or to give new instructions.
As a team, and at FJG generally, we want to offer our outstanding services to suit the changing needs of our clients and this change is in light of this.
We offer more than just a Wills and Probate Service to include the following:
- Preparation of Wills
- Inheritance Tax Planning
- Preparation and Registration of Lasting Powers of Attorney
- Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney
- Administration of Estates
- Court of Protection Applications
- Long term Care Planning
- Trusts
If you would like any further information, please contact us at [email protected] or drop in to our office here on Thursdays from 12pm to 2pm.