Over the past few weeks, FJG have been running a series of ’15 minute webinars’ discussing various issues that have arisen as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The series is being led by Senior Partner, Tony Fisher.
Here you’ll find our latest webinar recordings for you to catch up on or watch again.
Webinar Episode 1
Force Majeure and frustration of contracts, 16th April 2020, 11am.
What is force majeure clause?
When can it be used?
How will a clause be interpreted
Frustration – what it is, when it happens, what the effect is
Webinar Episode 2
What you really need to know about furlough leave – 23rd April 2020, 11am.
What is the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme?
Who qualifies?
How do claim it?
Important issues – limitations and exceptions, how the payments are calculated, directors – can they furlough themselves?
Webinar Episode 3
Legal aspects of Covid-19 impacting the property market – 30th April 2020, 11am.
Impact on the market
The current guidance and it’s status
The legal framework where contracts have been exchanged
Notices to Complete and lack of Force Majeure clauses
The doctrine of frustration of contracts
The Law Society solution
Worked examples
What’s going to happen when the guidance changes?
Webinar Episode 4
Covid-19: Why you and your loved ones should have Lasting Powers of Attorney – 7th May 2020, 11am.
Why do I need a Lasting Power of Attorney?
What is the difference between a property and financial affairs LPA and a health and welfare LPA?
Who can I appoint as my Attorney?
Examples of guidance for your Attorneys
Do I have to register the document with the Court?
Guiding principles of Attorneys
Webinar Episode 5
Importance of good Governance – benefits of well-drafted Shareholders Agreements & Partnership Agreements – 14th May 2020, 11am.
Basic need for an agreement
Principle terms
Other issues to consider in the pandemic
Webinar Episode 6
Re-Opening the Home Moving Market. Legal issues and guidance for those marketing their property & moving house – 21st May 2020, 11am.
The big and unexpected bang
Guidance for Professionals
Guidance for Home Movers
Reality Check
Webinar Episode 7
Child Arrangements during Covid-19 Lockdown with Lisa O’Boyle – 4th June 2020, 11am.
Government and public health advice to stay at home
Parents dilemmas and difficulties arising due to the Covid-19 lockdown
Should / Can Child Arrangements be varied?
Remedies for parents
Practical considerations
Webinar Episode 8
COVID-19’s impact in construction – your contractual toolkit moving forward with Rebecca Palmer – 18th June 2020, 11am.
5 important relevant legal themes
11 issues to tackle in upcoming contracts
Closing comments
Webinar Episode 9
Terms and conditions of trading in times of crisis – 2nd July 2020, 11am.
Terms to focus on:
Liability and Insurance
Warranties and Indemnities
Price and Payment
Retention of title / Risk
Force Majeure and Brexit
The Battle of the Forms
Supplier Perspective
Customer Perspective
Webinar Episode 10
Domestic Abuse during Covid-19 Lockdown – 19th July 2020, 11am.
What is domestic abuse?
Domestic abuse during lockdown
Practical remedies for victims of domestic abuse
Legal Remedies for victims of domestic abuse
Courts during the Covid-19 pandemic
Legal Aid
Our COVID-19 webinar series came to an end in July 2020. However, we are still continuing to run webinars on an ad-hoc basis. Find out webinars we have in the pipeline and register to join us below…