Our family law team at Fisher Jones Greenwood are proud to support Resolution’s Good Divorce Week 2021. The aim of this week is to begin a national conversation about how parents can embrace a child-focused approach to separation.

What is Good Divorce Week 2021?

It aims to encourage a ‘good divorce’. This means acknowledging the many different ways to manage the process of a divorce. We understand that the divorce process can be a stressful, highly emotional and a difficult process for anyone to have to go through. The aim of a ‘good divorce’ is to try to reduce conflict between parents and any negative impact people may suffer from a divorce. It also aims to make the process as amicable as possible.

The importance of Good Divorce Week 2021

This year the aim is to promote a child-focused approach to a divorce. The impact a divorce can have on children is significant, and many children find themselves stuck in the middle. By promoting a child-focused approach to divorce, it raises awareness of the need for parents to work together to support their children which will not only benefit the children, but also the parents.

Parenting through a separation is difficult, which is why, for this week only, Resolution have allowed access to a free guide to parents in the aim of helping them achieve a constructive approach through their divorce by putting their children first.

A link to this guide can be found here

How can our solicitors help you during a divorce?

Our experienced team at Fisher Jones Greenwood have a wealth of experience when it comes to advising and supporting individuals going through the divorce process. In addition, all of our solicitors remain alert to importance of both parties remaining child-focused throughout the process of their divorce.

A number of our solicitors are a Resolution Member which means that they have undertaken further training with Resolution, although all of our solicitors follow the Resolution Code of Practice, which means they will continually aim to:

  • Reduce or manage any conflict and confrontation
  • Support and encourage families to put the best interests of any children first
  • Act with honesty, integrity and objectivity
  • Help clients understand and manage the potential long-term financial and emotional consequence of decisions
  • Listen to and treat everyone with respect and without judgement
  • Use experience and knowledge to guide clients through the options available to them
  • Continually develop their knowledge and skills

If you would like to arrange a confidential chat with one of our experienced family law solicitors as to how they can support you through your divorce, or you would like further information on the services we offer, please call  01206 700113 or email [email protected].