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FJG Employ

At FJG we have assembled a unique menu of services for businesses who want to take the worry out of their Human Resources Management and Health and Safety compliance.

Many companies now offer outsourced HR services. These arrangements usually involve committing to long term contracts with often substantial monthly sums being committed for periods of up to three years. If a business wants to outsource its human resource function these arrangements can work well. However, not all businesses want to do this, but they do need occasional support for particular HR projects or in relation to their health and safety issues.

Our service is different. Fundamentally the difference is that YOU ONLY PAY FOR WHAT YOU USE. We can give you access to the whole range of business support services in relation to your business, your employees, and your health and safety issues at hourly rates which are discounted from our normal rates for these services.

In most cases, there will be a fixed fee for the initial work to “set you up” with all the necessary policies and contracts, and you then decide what you want us to do in addition, whether that be health and safety advice and support, (including audits) general human resources advice, or legal advice with regard to specific employees or problems. For ongoing legal support we can provide a helpline service, and if the helpline is not used then fees paid can be used towards other legal services to support your business.

You may be involved in taking a lease of commercial premises, you may want a shareholders agreement, or you might want us to advise on a contract you are entering into. You can pick from the whole range of legal services which we offer to support businesses.

Why pay out money for services you hardly ever use? With FJG Employ, you pay for what you get, and you get what you pay for. Now that is something different in the world of employment support packages.

Key Benefits

  • Discounted hourly rates for the work done;
  • Access to expert advice at all times during office hours, with the peace of mind that brings; and
  • You only pay for what you get. With helpline services any balance left at the end of the year is returned to you or used in relation to any other legal services you might need
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Contact A Solicitor Today

With over 40 years’ experience, Fisher Jones Greenwood is a long-established Essex Solicitors. With nine offices around Essex, Suffolk and London. Phone us on 08455 435 700 or email us and we’ll call you back to arrange a meeting with a solicitor or lawyer.

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FJG Employ Services

Legal Services

The services available to employers include initial “start-up” health and safety and employment manuals, together with standard contracts of employment.

Legal Services

Employment Law

All areas of employment law including:

  • Unfair dismissal and wrongful dismissal
  • Compromise agreements
  • Equal pay and equal opportunities
  • Employment Tribunal work
  • Redundancy (including collective redundancies)
  • All types of discrimination (including age)
  • Transfers of undertakings
  • Restraint of trade and confidentiality
  • Vicarious liability of employers
  • Maternity/paternity rights
  • Breach of contract/contractual disputes
  • Retirement and age discrimination issues

Employment Documentation

  • Contracts of employment
  • Handbooks
  • Policies and Procedures to deal with all employment issues

Employment Disputes

  • Disputes between employer and employee
  • Grievances
  • Appeal procedures

In addition, we can help you to deal with employee issues internally as part of our human resources services below.

Human Resources Services


  • Writing of job descriptions
  • Development of interview guides
  • Selection interviewing
  • Psychometric assessments and selection centre design and management

Staff Communication

  • Development of employee communication strategies
  • Wording of especially sensitive communications
  • Development and management of staff opinion surveys


  • Interviewing skills
  • Handling disciplinary investigations and hearings
  • Appraisal skills

Performance Management and Development

  • Development and implementation of appraisal schemes
  • Working with managers to develop performance improvement plans for individuals whose performance is not of the required level
  • Development of business succession plans
  • Development of training and development plans

Employment relations

  • Supporting line managers through disciplinary and grievance proceedings
  • Tailoring template handbooks and contracts to meet business requirements
  • Conducting disciplinary and grievance investigations
  • Management of redundancy exercises
  • Management of consultation processes for redundancy or TUPE

Health and Safety Advisory and Support Services

  • Site visits to your places of work
  • Advice on the basic steps you need to take to stay within the law
  • Up to date information on changes in legislation
  • H&S assessments including an appraisal of what needs to be done
  • Sensible cost-effective solutions, including occupational, H&S assessments and audits of the workplace, (noise, manual handling, COSHH, fire, display screen equipment, machinery safety, and general risk assessments) to meet employer liabilities and premises for insurance purposes
  • Practical advice on preparing an H&S policy
  • Conventional and interactive Health & Safety training packages tailored to your business and environment
  • CDM (Construction, Design, Management) support and the provision of an appointed CDM Coordinator for your construction projects
  • Fire safety and fire assessments, disaster planning, and recovery, major accident prevention policy, writing accident and incident investigation reports
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What Our Clients Say

We truly value and appreciate the feedback we receive from our clients, as we look to improve the services we offer on an ongoing basis