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Request A CallbackAt Fisher Jones Greenwood Solicitors, we provide legal assistance to both individuals and businesses. Our services are designed to provide you with the representation you need to protect your rights and look out for your best interests. As a business owner, it’s essential that you have a legal professional you can turn to before making crucial business decisions. We aim to be that for you. Our team can help you in many areas, including obtaining a business lasting power of attorney. We encourage you to reach out to us if you have questions or would like additional information.
If you would like more information about obtaining a business LPA or would like to discuss your business needs, please feel free to reach out to Fisher Jones Greenwood Solicitors today. We can answer any questions you may have and start the process for you. Please contact us on 01206 835261 or email [email protected].
With over 40 years’ experience, Fisher Jones Greenwood is a long-established Essex Solicitors. With nine offices around Essex, Suffolk and London. Phone us on 08455 435 700 or email us and we’ll call you back to arrange a meeting with a solicitor or lawyer.
Request A CallbackWhat Is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
Most people have heard of a lasting power of attorney before, and understand that it is a legal document granting someone the authority to handle another person’s affairs. However, there is also something known as a business lasting power of attorney that is used for business owners. A business power of attorney grants authority to your appointed attorneys to run your business on your behalf, should you become incapacitated or unable to run it yourself. The level of control given to the attorneys can be tailored to suit your individual business and its needs.
Types of Professionals or Businesses that Need an LPA
A business LPA is a good idea for all business owners, as they ensure your company will remain in good hands even if something happens to you. Planning for the unexpected is always the smart thing to do, as you never know when a sudden illness or accident could leave you incapacitated. While a business LPA is suitable for all companies and business professionals, they are especially useful if you fit into one of the following categories:
Reasons You May Need a Business LPA
The world is unpredictable, and so is life. There is no way to predict precisely what will happen next or where you’ll be in the next year or beyond. For this reason, it’s essential to know that your business will be in good hands should anything prevent you from making decisions or running it as you usually would. There are many situations where you may need a business LPA to grant authorisation to a trusted person or team. Some of these situations include:
The Consequences of Not Having a Business LPA
Without a proper plan in place, your business can face harsh consequences if you become unable to run things. Without an owner to make decisions, your business can fail in a matter of weeks, causing you to lose your livelihood and all the success you’ve gained. When you don’t have a business LPA, your business could face the following consequences:
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