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I have a confession to make. I am a sucker for 90’s nostalgia. Phew, that feels better to get that off my chest. Whether it be listening t...
It is very rare that conduct will have an impact on a financial settlement. Conduct will generally only be relevant to the financial sett...
Upon separation and divorce, each spouse is entitled to make claims against the other by virtue of their marriage in relation to the divisio...
For family law practitioners, one of the most commonly asked questions is “what am I entitled to?”, or “will my spouse get half everyt...
A recent development in technology and investment has seen the rise of so-called ‘digital assets’, such as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT’s)...
Wills are not regulated so it means that anyone can write a Will. Of course we will always encourage you to see a legally trained profession...
The case of Gallagher v Gallagher has hit the headlines, in relation to the right to privacy and anonymity within family proceedings. This c...
In recent times, the law has been evolving progressively, recognising the impact of Domestic Abuse which is not just physical, such as coerc...
Before gaining work experience at Fisher Jones Greenwood, I was unsure whether I wanted to be a solicitor. I am due to start my third year o...
Since the Covid-19 pandemic the location of an office-based workforce has changed dramatically. On the 23rd March 2019, the hustle and bustl...
The Court system is currently struggling under the weight of applications being made by parents who cannot reach an agreement as to the arra...
Capital Gains Tax (CGT) is often forgotten when separating couples are discussing how to divide their assets on separation or divorce. Cou...
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