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What is an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)? Energy Performance Certificates were introduced in England and Wales in 2007 and are a leg...
Following the breakdown of a marriage or civil partnership it is important to consider the financial matters that arise from this and the im...
I qualified recently in January 2019 and I am working in the family law team. My feelings about qualifying were a mixture of excitement and ...
Choosing a Care Home can be extremely difficult. The Home must have everything you and/or relative needs, in the right location at an afford...
If you are thinking about buying or selling a business, or you are at the very early stages of such a proposed transaction, it is important ...
Hundreds of thousands of people have been awaiting the decision regarding the Thomas Cook rescue deal. Those same people were likely disappo...
If you are, or intend to become a director of a company, it is important that you fully understand your duties and responsibilities prior to...
If you have previously been involved in a business sale or acquisition you may be aware that disclosure is an important stage of any such tr...
Background Commercial leases will commonly include a clause for the tenant to keep the property in good repair and condition. The extent of...
You may recall from my earlier Blog in February entitled “Government Announces Increase in Probate Court Fees” controversial plans by th...
When negotiating the terms of a commercial lease agreement, a landlord may propose ‘opting out’ of the security of tenure provisions set...
Are you a young legal professional looking for opportunities to network or simply build relationships within the local community? Or perhaps...
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