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A Shareholder’s agreement is a legally binding arrangement between the shareholders of a company. It sets out how the Company should be op...
Following on from last week's Instagram Live with Head of Family Charlotte Knappett and Partner Richard Busby, Richard covers some more aspe...
Copyright law plays a vital role in protecting authors’ (creator’s) rights and encouraging innovation in various industries. In this jur...
As we head further into 2024, our Head of Residential Conveyancing, Gayle Fordham takes a look at the current property market conditions: ...
Debt and Equity finance are the most common ways of raising capital for a Business. These methods play crucial roles in the financing of a C...
Surrogacy is an arrangement where the person who carries and gives birth to the child is not intended to be the child’s legal parent after...
On the 6th April 2024, the right to request flexible working from the start of your employment (day 1) came into force due to amendments mad...
A Charitable Incorporated Organization (CIO) is a relatively new form of charitable entity which has a separate legal personality thus givin...
This is the first part in a series of blogs answering common questions in relation to drug and alcohol testing in children proceedings in th...
The Family Court have recently set aside a Pension Sharing Order in the case of SY v Personal Representatives of the Estate of DY (Deceased)...
Why do you have a Conveyancer represent you when you are selling and purchasing a property? A conveyancer is a specialist in re...
A share purchase is a type of corporate transaction where a buyer acquires shares (which can be the entire issued share capital or a part of...
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