A court will usually make a direction for a party to undertake a drugs test if the court suspects drugs may have been used by either party. The court may often have concerns where one party may allege that the other has been using drugs. Within family law proceedings, they are primarily ordered to confirm or refute these allegations so that the court can make an informed decision when making an order which involves children.
You will be given notice by the courts if you are going to be ordered to complete a drugs test as this is usually put within a court order within your proceedings. If you are legally represented, your solicitor will be able to make the necessary arrangements for your drug test. Alternatively, you can make the arrangements yourself. It is important that you have the drug test completed if ordered by the court.
Drugs tests for use in court proceedings must be carried out by a company or agency recognised by the court to carry out such tests.
The drug test can be carried out in a number of ways but usually it will be by a hair strand test. This will require a strand of your hair being taken, for example from your head, which will then be used to give your drug test result. It is important that you do not dye or cut your hair once you know this test has been ordered. If you do dye or cut your hair, this could cause delays within your court proceedings.
A hair strand test will show what drugs are or have been within your body within approximately the last 3 months. The court will usually set out a timeframe for the dates which they want to be considered.
If you would like to arrange a confidential chat with one of our experienced family law solicitors as to how they can support you through your child care proceeding, or you would like further information on the services we offer, please call 0845 543 5700 or contact us via our online enquiry form.