After many rumours that new Court fees would be introduced in April, then May, then June, we have now seen the schedule of Court fees for family proceedings that will come into force on Monday 1 July. The last increase was in 2010 so the increases are fairly modest, which is a relief, as there was a lot of talk about big increases in advance of a suggested privatisation of the Courts in the near future.
The fee for filing a Divorce Petition goes up from £340 to £410, but the increase is not so much because the separate fee for Decree Absolute (£45) has been abolished.
The fee for an application for a finance Order goes up from £240 to £255; for a children Order from £200 to £215; and for a Special Guardianship Order from £160 to £170.
Sadly, there are big increases in the fees for child care cases, which were put up a few years ago at an alarming rate, and this despite protests from Judges and other organisations that this would put off Local Authorities from taking action to protect children at risk.
People on low incomes can still claim exemption or reduction in the Court fees and should ask for leaflet EX506A which sets out the information needed for this.
Other civil Court fees also go up on the same day. Details are in the Family Proceedings Fees (Amendment) Order 2013.