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Immigration & Visas

The Immigration Team at Fisher Jones Greenwood has many years of experience assisting clients to negotiate the maze that surrounds immigration applications. We provide initial advice about potential applications and routes to settlement, offering our expertise on negotiating issues with past immigration history and difficulty meeting evidential or other requirements of the Rules.

We can also assist with advice on the evidential requirements of the Home Office, providing assistance with gathering the documents needed for individual applications, as well as providing advice about how to deal with problems meeting the strict requirements of the Home Office.

For more information about the types of applications we can help with, please go to our menu above or for business services, see here.

We have previously offered legal aid to clients for their asylum and other qualifying immigration matters, at present we do not hold a Legal Aid contract for any new work, we will continue to work on current ongoing cases already granted legal aid. We will contact our loyal referrers should this situation change.

We offer a no-obligation, fixed-fee interview for £350 (inclusive of VAT and a letter of advice) to help you understand your position. Or alternatively, £200 – £300 (including VAT) for only a letter of advice depending on the complexity of a case. For further information on fees for applications please see here.

For all aspects of Immigration Advice we will advise on whether you meet the Immigration Rules and then if you do, if you instruct us we can provide practical advice and support in preparing the application for you. O­­ur team is experienced in all stages of the process from initial applications right through any review or appeal process. Our team has a high success rate in preparing applications and we will be open and honest as to your prospects of success in any application you choose to do.

Please contact our Immigration team on call 01206 835270 or email [email protected] / [email protected].

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With over 40 years’ experience, Fisher Jones Greenwood is a long-established Essex Solicitors. With nine offices around Essex, Suffolk and London. Phone us on 08455 435 700 or email us and we’ll call you back to arrange a meeting with a solicitor or lawyer.

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