Purfleet Centre Regeneration Limited (“PCRL“), a joint venture between Regeneration Investments Ltd., Swan Group Ltd., Keltbray and Sir Tim Laurence, submitted an application for outline planning permission to Thurrock Council in December 2017. The application is for their £1 billion regeneration scheme for Purfleet. The scheme includes a new town centre with commercial and retail space, a film and TV studio facility, a medical centre, education and community facilities, up to 2,850 new homes, public parks, a riverfront walkway, gym and cinema, and transport facilities such as an upgraded rail station. The studios will host some of the largest production companies in the world, together with post-production, multimedia and video gaming firms. Katya Baker, Founder and MD of Quartermaster Holdings commented:Purfleet is in the heart of The Thames Estuary Production Corridor, a new initiative by the Mayor of London and SELEP backing the UK’s ever vibrant and growing creative industry”.

What will the impact of the PCRL be?

The impact of such a grand scale project is significant. It will transform the local area and beyond. By creating new jobs and making the area accessible with good transport links it will attract many people and businesses to the area. If the planning application is granted, numerous commercial opportunities will arise from this project.

Where can I see the plan?

The masterplan can be viewed here.

Our Commercial Property team here at FJG is highly experienced and dedicated to helping your plans take shape.

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