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Lasting Power of Attorney

Everyone over the age of 18 can make a LPA provided they understand how to make it, the choices they can make and the power that it gives. It is very important you understand the implications and this is why an LPA must be set up before you lose mental capacity.

The person(s) you choose could be a member of your family, a trusted friend or a legal advisor and you can nominate different Attorney(s) to assume responsibility for different decisions i.e. an Attorney for your finances and an Attorney for making decisions relating to your personal welfare.

If you choose more than one Attorney for each area then you must decide whether the appointment is a joint appointment in which case the Attorneys all have to act together or a joint and several appointment when they can act together or individually.

How We Can Help

Benefits include:

  • FREE life-time storage

We can advise on setting up the Lasting Powers of Attorney and on the application for registration.

To contact FJG about setting up LPA’s, please contact us on 01206 835261, email [email protected] or fill in the enquiry form below.

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With over 40 years’ experience, Fisher Jones Greenwood is a long-established Essex Solicitors. With nine offices around Essex, Suffolk and London. Phone us on 08455 435 700 or email us and we’ll call you back to arrange a meeting with a solicitor or lawyer.

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More Information About Lasting Power of Attorney

LPA – Property and Affairs

Your Attorney(s) will have the power to manage your property and financial affairs. For example operating a bank account, rearranging your investments and selling property. Your Attorney is not permitted to make gifts on your behalf other than those that you have made on a regular basis e.g. Christmas and birthday gifts to the family or regular charitable donations.

LPA – Personal Welfare

Your Attorney will have power to make decisions about your health care and medical treatment e.g. where you should live and who looks after you on a day to day basis; consenting to or refusing medical examination and treatment.

In both forms of LPA you can add restrictions or conditions to areas where you would not wish the Attorney to have the power to act.

Your LPA must be registered with the Office of the Public Guardian before it can be used and an unregistered LPA will not give your Attorney any legal powers to make a decision for you. You can register the LPA while you are still capable or the Attorney can apply to register the LPA at any time.

LPA Charges

Every adult should make a Will and a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) for further information follow the links. A Will comes into place when you die but an LPA is used by your appointed Attorney if you are unable to manage your finances or make decisions about your health and welfare due to physical or mental incapacity. It is essential to have these important legal documents in place not only for your own peace of mind but also to make life easier for your family should you die or lose capacity.

Single Person:

One Lasting Power of Attorney

  • EITHER Property & Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare
£450 + VAT* = £540
Two Lasting Powers of Attorney

  • BOTH Property & Financial Affairs  and Health and Welfare
£800 + VAT* = £960

A Couple:

Two Lasting Powers of Attorney

  • You both wish to have either Property & Financial Affairs or Health and Welfare
£800 + VAT* = £960
Two Lasting Powers of Attorney

  • You both wish to have both Property & Financial Affairs and Health and Welfare
£1,400 + VAT* = £1,680

*All prices include VAT at 20%

An LPA cannot be used until it is registered with the Office of the Public Guardian. The above prices include the cost of registration but do not include the fee charged by the OPG of £82 per document.

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