FJG are launching virtual advice clinics for enquiries in relation to Conveyancing, Landlord & Tenant services and Wills, Life Planning, and Probate. This new online service begins in June.
The virtual advice clinics offer a free 15-minute appointment to discuss any questions which you may have. Whilst, the session will not provide you with in-depth specific legal advice on a matter they can help give general advice and point you in the right direction.
- The Conveyancing team are available on a Tuesday morning from 10am to 1pm, where they can help provide advice if, for example, you are thinking of moving house or extending your home, have a boundary issue, or would like clarification on the joint ownership of your property.
- Our Landlord & Tenant service takes place on a Wednesday morning from 10am to 1pm offering a chance to discuss your responsibilities as a landlord or your rights as a tenant with Solicitor, Billy Smith.
- Finally, the Wills, Life Planning and Probate clinic runs on Thursday morning from 10am to 1pm where the friendly team can help provide advice on matters such as drafting a Will, Lasting Powers of Attorneys, administration of estates or Inheritance tax.
This change of service is in light of the current COVID-19 pandemic as FJG’s offices are currently closed to clients and the firm continue to offer more services virtually. Moving the advice clinics online, means we now ask that you call or email ahead to arrange your appointment and these can be booked as a telephone call, or video call using one of the following platforms – Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp or Zoom.
Paula Cameron, Managing Partner at FJG added, “At FJG, we have been looking at ways to enable us to continue to work effectively with our clients, existing and new, during this difficult time. By moving the drop-in clinics online this enables us to take away the need for face-to-face contact, whilst still meeting our client’s needs”.
You can make an appointment for any of these virtual free advice clinics now, please contact us on 01206 700356 or email [email protected].