The FJG 100 Day Challenge encourages all staff to take a CSR day to volunteer at a charitable organisation with the aim of 100 members of FJG staff using their CSR day over 12 months.

On 16th July volunteers from FJG attended at Colchester Zoo for a day. The volunteers were put to work straightaway trimming vegetation to use for the animals whilst the zoo staff encouraged a one of the tigers to leave a part of the enclosure we were due to work in next. Once the tiger had been encouraged to move we were allowed into the tiger enclosure where we spent time cutting bamboo. After a lovely lunch we then were lucky enough to have a few minutes to feed the giraffes and an elephant. The last job of the day was to move an enormous pile of bark from the outside orangutan enclosure into the indoor. It was a very hot day and we all worked together as a team to get this job done to help the zoo staff.

A thoroughly enjoyable day and gave us a real insight into how much hard work is required from the staff at the zoo.

FJG’s 100 Day Challenge launched in July.