In these unprecedented times in the wake of Covid-19 businesses are facing new challenges and it is hard to predict what the long term impact will be. We all need to support each other and keep an eye on developments in order to navigate and rise to future challenges as the situation unfolds.

Our experienced teams are available to help support and advise you through the challenges you are experiencing. Don’t struggle on in fear, collaborative working is the way forward. We have the systems and practices in place to continue remote working to enable us to continue to provide legal services without compromising on quality.

Some of the potential key issues that local businesses may encounter could be:

  • Employment – issues such as the impact on running your business, maintaining productivity, employment rights and good practice, what to do if your employees self-isolate, redundancy and lay-offs, restructuring and alternative working practices.
  • Contractual obligations – review of clauses such as Force Majeure: what is covered, agreements and terms and conditions.
  • Commercial property – leases, rental agreements and agreeing payment holidays.
  • Dispute resolution / litigation – the best way of dealing with conflicts. We can offer mediation services or assisted negotiation – this form of resolving disputes is likely to become increasingly attractive as the cost of taking proceedings and long delay in cases being heard increases.

To help you manage the impact of coronavirus across your business we have established dedicated teams in all key practice areas. Contact the Fisher Jones Greenwood quick response team on 01206 700113 (initial telephone advice will be free of charge) or email [email protected].