35 Today…..

Yes, FJG is 35 years young today!

How it all began?

It was 3rd September 1983 that David Jones and I first opened our doors as Fisher Jones in Sir Isaac’s Walk in Colchester with nothing but a hope and a prayer to guide us through. Both fairly clueless but deeply passionate and enthusiastic. In those days opening your door was all you were allowed to do. No marketing and no advertising other than an announcement amongst the births marriages and deaths. Anyway, things have certainly changed since then and 35 years on the firm has grown far beyond our contemplations in those early days. Maintaining the ethos for excellent client service and expertise which drove us in those early days has continued to be central. There have been many awards and now we are shortlisted for two Law Society Excellence Awards again this year. It would be great to win them but even if we don’t being shortlisted shows how far we have come.

Where next?

The ambition is to make FJG even better. A better place to work, a better place for clients to obtain their legal services. An efficient firm, perfectly aligned with the changing environment for legal services. Somewhere where we all respect each other as well as our clients. A place where careers and expertise can blossom and where everything we do is consistent with the professionalism we have shown over the years.

Onwards and Upwards – Happy Birthday FJG!