The Health & Safety Executive is Britain’s national regulator for work place health and safety. Their main focus is to protect people and places and help everyone to lead safer and healthier lives.
The Health & Safety Executive have recently released statistics for 2021/2022 in relation to work place injuries and accidents at work which caused injury or death are still extremely high, although the figures are less than those pre-pandemic.
Agriculture, construction, wholesale/retail trade and food services are still the industries with the most work place injuries. Unfortunately there were 123 workers kills in work related accidents in 2021/2022.
There were over 565,000 workers who sustained non-fatal injuries in 2021/2022 which equates to 6 million working days being lost due to non-fatal work place injuries. Thankfully, the rate of fatal and non-fatal injuries at work has shown a downward trend since the pandemic which is a promising result but with over half a million workers per year being injured there is still much room for improvement.
Up to 74% of injuries to sustained at work caused workers to be absent for up to 7 days with 26% of those who sustained injuries having to take longer than 7 days off work.
If you or someone you know has suffered injuries as a result of an accident work there are strict time limits of bringing such a claim. If you think that you may have a claim it is important to take advice as soon as possible.
Our specialist Solicitor Rhian Lowe offers a 30 minute free consultation to discuss your claim and she can be contacted on 01206 835209 or emailed at [email protected].