This week, 23rd to the 27th November is Family Dispute Resolution Week. Organised by Resolution, It is designed to raise awareness of alternative methods for separating couples to resolve disputes such as mediation, arbitration and collaborative family law. The campaign also aims to highlight the importance of children being put first during separation, helping them through what can be a daunting and confusing time.

Resolution is an organisation of 6,500 family lawyers and other professionals in England and Wales who believe in a constructive, non-confrontational approach to family law matters. Resolution also campaigns for improvements to the family justice system and supports the development of family lawyers through its national and regional training programmes, through publications and good practice guides and through its accreditation scheme.

The cornerstone of membership of Resolution is adherence to the Code of Practice, which sets out the principles of a non-confrontational approach to family law matters. The principles of the code are widely recognised and have been adopted by the Law Society as recommended good practice for all family lawyers.

At Fisher Jones Greenwood we have 8 Family Law Specialists who are Resolution members and can provide advice on all options available to separating couples. The options now available to separating couples are more varied than ever before. However the right choice for one couple may be inappropriate for another, which is why it is important to seek advice from a solicitor who understands your situation. Choosing the right option for you is essential in minimising conflict and ensuring that the best interests of the children are put first.

Our Partner Kate Taylor is the head of family mediation. This is a process of dispute resolution within Family proceedings in which an impartial mediator assists parties involved in family breakdown explore issues and any concerns that they have with a view to reaching their own joint decisions. Mediation encourages couples to consider their future relationship so far as children are involved. Mediation can cover a number of areas including arrangements for divorce, separation, children, finance and property, discussion regarding pre-nuptial agreements and establishing children’s wishes and feelings. For more information regarding mediation, please click here.

We have 5 solicitors trained in collaborative family law. This is a process of dispute resolution where you and your partner sit down with your solicitors and openly and honestly work out all the issues in a dignified and respectful way. Collaborative family law focuses on finding solutions leading to an arrangement on which you can both agree and which works best for you and your family. It provides an alternative to the uncertainty of a decision being taken out of a couples’ hands by a judge in court. For more information regarding collaborative family law, please click here.

Partner and head of the family department, Simon Osborn, is a qualified family arbitrator and a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. Family arbitration is a form of dispute resolution for resolving disputes in family cases involving finances and property arising from marriage, civil partnership or other relationship breakdown and results in an award which is binding on the parties. For more information regarding family arbitration, please click here.

For further information about the various options available to separating couples and how Fisher Jones Greenwood can help, please click here.