Wednesday 15th August marks the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers’ “Injury Prevention Day”. This year the focus is on avoiding needless injuries by ensuring vehicle head restraints are properly adjusted.

The UK has 50 per cent more traffic on the roads than the European average – this congestion, coupled with bad driving habits, creates a recipe for low-speed collisions and injuries. Head restraints that are properly positioned could help to prevent subsequent neck and back injuries.

The Association of personal injury lawyers with the support of motoring safety experts are urging car users to protect themselves by making sure their headrests are in the correct position.

Whiplash injuries could be prevented if we carry out this simple test.

The headrest test

Make sure it is a close to the back of your head as possible. It should be tilted as close to the back of the head as you can, ideally touching. The top of the headrest should also be as high as the top of your head. Place your hand on top of your head to check.

In cars where the head restraint is not adjustable making the seat more upright can help.

And don’t forget this applies to all passengers so remember to adjust for each rear occupant as well.










If you have been injured in a road traffic accident that was not your fault within the last 3 years, we at Fisher Jones Greenwood can help. Contact our dedicated personal injury team on 01206 700113 or email [email protected] for further information.