The growing power and influence of social media has again been demonstrated, this time, in the intellectual property sector of the legal profession.

The ongoing litigation involving Trunki and the efforts of its parent company to uphold a decision of the High Court from 2013 (which ruled that their Community Registered Design (‘CRD’) was infringed) which was subsequently reversed by the Court of Appeal in February 2014, has put the power of social media to full use.

In the latest update of this legal saga, the founder of Trunki generated support from thousands of members of the general public by taking to twitter and various other social media outlets, publicising the ongoing developments of the case, using the hashtag of #ProtectYourDesign.

Such social media campaign attracted thousands to voice their support for the case and for calls to the Supreme Court to both re-examine the case itself and grant more robust protection to designers.

Such campaign appears to have assisted in the legal process, as the support has contributed to the appeal now being considered by the Supreme Court. Therefore, whilst the predominant factors in progressing the case thus far have been both moral and financial, the technological influence of social media has certainly had an impact in creating public awareness of such issues and the case itself.

The ongoing litigation highlights the need for all intellectual property, no matter how insignificant or unimportant they are thought, to be protected. Failure to do so, leaves the purported owner at risk of infringement allegations, or others profiting upon the idea, without any recourse.

We here at Fisher Jones Greenwood LLP can assist you with all of the your copyright and intellectual property requirements, from IP registration, to copyright protection and enforcement proceedings. Should you wish to discuss your intellectual property or that of your business, please contact our Corporate Commercial Department on 01245 584515 or [email protected]