Prior to my work experience, I had preconceived notions about each department, including which would be the most enjoyable. However, after a week at Fisher Jones Greenwood, I had a better understanding of how my expectations of a department compared to the reality.

Family Law has always piqued my interest. Thus, I had the most enthusiasm when I entered this department. On arrival, I spoke with the team and felt inspired by their passion. The team frequently engaged in debates, which encouraged me to voice my own opinions about the subject at hand. I have always believed that working in this department would be satisfying, and I was proven to be correct. It was a motivating day, and I returned home confident that this was the area in which I wanted to specialise.

However, my enthusiasm for Family Law may have prevented me from considering specialising in other fields. So, when I realised how much I enjoyed working with Commercial Property, and Wills and Probate, it was a pleasant surprise. I attended client interviews during my time with Wills and Probate, and I was impressed by how involved this department was. The client engagement, which I had assumed would happen most frequently in the Family Law department, was something I absolutely loved. I came out of the experience with knowledge of how to manage client expectations and present myself in a personable manner. I entered Commercial Property with the misconception that it would be a harsh working environment. Once more, this was inaccurate. I was welcomed into a colloquial environment where the team supported one another, and I thoroughly enjoyed my interactions with them and the tasks I was assigned.

Although Family Law is my current area of interest, my week at FJG has altered how I view several areas of law, and I am no longer averse to the prospect of working in other departments. I absolutely encourage prospective solicitors to participate in FJG’s work experience programme. It may help you to shed any preconceived notions and identify the department that is right for you.


Andrea Piponides