Anyone who has tried to gain work experience within law will know the difficulties. Even once you have finally worked your way through the application process there is the very possible prospect of being faced with a week of filing and tea making. If this does not sound appealing to you, and you would appreciate a well-structured, informative and invaluable insight into a law firm filled with knowledgeable and kind-hearted staff then Fisher Jones Greenwood LLP (FJG) is the place for you.

Day 1: When arriving at FJG I was unsure of whether a law career was for me, nonetheless I went in with an open mind. Arriving on the first day I was greeted by Su who talked me through my itinerary for the week. Once this was completed I attended some client meetings with Amy Burton who works in the Wills, Life Planning & Probate team, this gave me exceptional insight into the real-world application of the law. I was then provided with the task of drafting a will, something that I had never done before, however, if I needed anything, help was never too far away and the Wills and Probate team were more than happy to help me with any questions I had.

Day 2: This day was centered on Family Law, a sector of law that I had little knowledge of, regardless of this, I was made to feel at home by the entire department. I was given an invaluable insight into divorce settlements and shown how to use the Companies House website which will definitely come in handy in the future.

Day 3: My third day was with the Dispute Resolution team who gave me real case examples and gave me honest, friendly explanations about what they do. I was inspired by how passionate and client-orientated this department was, they strived for the best for their clients. In addition, I was given a court orientation and managed to get some experience within the post room and in reception which is highly important to the running of a law firm.

Day 4: This opened up a world that was previously unknown to me, Healthcare. I had no idea what to expect but was pleasantly surprised. I was given a number of tasks, some analytic in nature, which although not for everybody, I found extremely valuable and gave me a significant grasp on what to expect in this sector. Once again, something that was becoming a regular occurrence, I was given guidance and help throughout the day from all members of staff.

Day 5: This ‘Development Day’ was a priceless experience I was given guidance on my CV and underwent a practice interview which should not be feared in any way. It is in no way put in to catch you out, Andrew is great and is solely there to provide you with a beneficial experience.

As I sit here on my final day writing this blog all I think about is how much fun I have had over the past week; how lovely every member of staff has been; how grateful I am for this opportunity and how much I now want to work within a law firm. If you are looking for a genuine, invaluable experience of what a law firm is like, instead of filing documents and making tea all day, look no further than FJG.

Written by Danny.

If you are interested in work experience at FJG, please contact Su Barker, Training & Knowledge Co-ordinator- [email protected]