The average cost for a funeral in 2019 was £3,757. On average the cost for a burial was £4,267, whilst the average cost for a cremation was £3,247. There are many things to think about and decide when arranging a funeral. It is often a difficult time for family and friends who are dealing with loss.

Although the thought of planning your own funeral may seem a little morbid, there are actually many benefits to arranging and putting preparations in order whilst you are still alive and well.

Many people today choose to buy pre-paid funeral plans to obtain peace of mind for themselves and their loved ones. In this blog, I will try and provide the advantages of buying a pre-paid funeral plan

Buying a pre-paid funeral plan can cover the costs of your coffin, the service, and your funeral flowers. It can be protection for you from the rising cost of funerals. Since 2004, the cost of funerals has risen by 80% and this is set to rise and rise. If you arranged your funeral now you can pay today’s prices.

When considering buying a pre-paid funeral plan, there are many affordable and flexible payment options available to you. Some may require you to pay the sum in a single payment but more often others can arrange a regular monthly installment repayment.

You must choose a pre-paid funeral plan that is suitable to you and your financial circumstances. It will also save your loved ones the emotional and financial burden of planning your funeral.   You are able to plan your funeral to your own specifications.

We all “shop around” for the best deals when renewing our house insurance, buying a pre-paid funeral is no different. There are many funeral directors providing a number of different pre-paid funeral plans catering for everyone’s needs. When you have arranged a pre-paid funeral plan, it is advisable to place a copy of the agreement with your original Will.

If Fisher Jones Greenwood can assist you in the planning of your future or assist in the drafting of your Will, then please contact us on 01206 700113 or email [email protected] in order to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.