The FJG 100 Day Challenge encourages all staff to take a CSR day to volunteer at a charitable organisation with the aim of 100 members of FJG staff using their CSR day over 12 months.

Ties Bouwmeester, Scott McIntyre, Liza Prosser, Lucy Benton and Lawrence Adams recently spent their CSR day at The Shelley Therapeutic Riding Centre in Suffolk.

The centre is part of the Riding for the Disabled Association network and provides horse riding for children and adults with special needs. Initially students are assessed on Ebony, a mechanical horse and then progress to riding the horses and ponies. Research shows that horse riding with the RDA delivers physical benefits, boosts confidence, improves communication skills and helps to build relationships. These activities are important for the education and learning of children and adults with special needs.

The charity is staffed mainly through the efforts of volunteers. As well as organising riding in the fields, the charity’s property requires an enormous amount of work to keep the centre running smoothly…

The FJG team of volunteers spent a very physical day mainly grass cutting, strimming, gardening, field clearing, piling wood up for a bonfire and general tidying up.

Listed here are just a few good reasons why the centre is so important:

Evie: “I like feeling my core muscles being used, and I really like knowing that when I’, sitting on Ebony (out of my wheelchair) I can still keep my balance.”

A thought provoking statement from  David: “Its something purposeful to do, an activity that is good for my mental health. I’m not historically horsey but I have learnt so much about horses whilst working here, and working with them is therapeutic in itself. The calm, peaceful, steady atmosphere at the Centre is a plus. It’s the best thing I’ve ever done.”

Ruth, who is one of the Centre’s adult riders: “In short a reason to come to Shelley…It is a truly special place where miracles happen. There are excellent equine friends along with wonderful people who all contribute to the enrichment of so many lives. A chance too, to get to know Ebony.”

FJG’s 100 Day Challenge launched in July.