2020 brought many unexpected events, therefore the first Law Society Solicitor Chat for 2021 discussed how you can help to protect yourself from the unexpected by making a Will. From providing for your loved ones to giving you peace of mind about the future, Susanne Grimwade, head of the Wills, Life Planning & Probate team at FJG tells us how a specialist Solicitor can help when writing or updating your Will.

  • Talk us through the process of making a Will during the pandemic and how a Solicitor can help.

Our offices are currently closed for face-to-face appointments however we are able to take instructions via video call, or telephone. We also have the facility for clients to complete an online induction to the will writing process via our website which can save valuable time ahead of the meeting with their Solicitor.

  • What could happen to your estate if you die without a valid Will in place?

If you pass away without a Will in place your estate will be distributed in accordance with the intestacy rules. Generally, only spouses, civil partners, and blood relatives will inherit under these rules. As a result family members with whom you may not wish to benefit may do so in the absence of a Will.

  • What are the risks of using a DIY wills kit or an unregulated service?

We find many issues with Wills prepared by those who are not legally trained. These include Wills not being correctly witnessed, or failing to deal with the disposal of the entire estate.

  • Why is it important for everyone, no matter their age, to consider making or updating their Will?

A Will is so important as it ensures your wealth is passed on to beneficiaries of your choice. This includes making financial provision for those who are financially dependent on you such as a partner or young children. Wills will also cover the appointment of guardians for any children under the age of 18, any specific funeral wishes, and can also assist when it comes to inheritance tax planning.

  • Why is the new year a good time to make or update your Will?

Making a Will can make a huge difference to the future of yourself and your family. It really can be a much simpler process than you think and as such, there is no better time to think about making a Will and ticking off one of those all important new year’s resolutions.

FJG Solicitors have an experienced Wills, Life Planning & Probate team who can assist you in getting your affairs in order.

The team has continued making Wills throughout the Coronavirus pandemic under their free Wills initiative; where Wills are put together free of charge in return for a donation to charity. If you want to make or update your Will, please contact FJG’s Wills, Life Planning & Probate team, call 01206 700113, or email [email protected].