Today marks 100 years since the first women were allowed to take up the profession and study to become a solicitor following the implementation of the Sex Disqualification (Removal) Act.

Four women Maud Crofts, Mary Elizabeth Pickup, Elaine Sykes and Carrie Morrison all completed their Law Society Finals examination three years later, however, Carrie Morrison was the first woman to be formally admitted due to the fact her articles completed first at the age of 34.

Carrie completed a First Class Honours degree in Mediaeval and Modern Languages at Girton College Cambridge before completing her articles at a solicitor’s firm in The Strand in London.  Prior to qualification Carrie spent 10 years in a range of roles including teaching, serving in the Military Permit Office of MI5, the Ministry of Munitions and in Constantinople with the Army of the Black Sea.

Since 1990 women have represented over 60% of new entrants into the profession and a report in 2017 has revealed there are now more women in the profession than men. There is however a disparity between men and women at partner level. Of approximately 30,000 partners in private practice in England and Wales, 72% are men and 28% women. In addition of the 175 Presidents of the Law Society, only five have been women. The most recent appointment being Christina Blacklaws in 2018.

At Fisher Jones Greenwood we are proud of the fact of the 21 partners within the firm, 13 are women, and at Associate level 8 out of 9 are women. As an equal opportunities employer, we welcome people from all backgrounds. We recognise that to be successful, we need to create an inclusive environment where everyone can realise their potential and succeed.

This means all employees, and job applicants will be treated without regard to Sex, Race, Age, Gender, Transgender Status, Religion or Disability.