In planning for your future, it is normal to consider and think about what you would like to leave to loved ones in your Will. There may be other things that you would like to say after you passed away. These could be instructions, thoughts or wishes that you would like to share with your loved ones or Executors and Trustees to carry out on your behalf following your death.

These instructions, thoughts or wishes are usually dealt with by way of a “Letter of Wishes”. A Letter of Wishes is a confidential document which can be written to supplement a Will. Whereas the contents of a Will are legally binding, the contents of a letter of wishes are not. A Letter of Wishes can still be a useful and helpful guide for your Executors and Trustees in particular circumstances. The Letter of Wishes is normally stored alongside your Will so that it can be communicated to either your Executor/Trustee or the recipient after your death.

A Letter of Wishes is literally a letter signed by you setting out whatever you want to say to either family members or to your Executors/Trustees.

Your Will could become a public document if you are required to apply for a Grant of Probate following your death. Many people would rather certain information remained confidential between them and the recipient rather than for everyone to see.

Your Letter of Wishes could deal with personal belongings that you require a specific recipient to acquire following your death. It can also cover the exclusion of a particular beneficiary. By excluding a person your Letter of Wishes is then a crucial document as you can set out fully the reasons behind the exclusion from your Will.   If needed, this can be produced as evidence if a claim is made against your Estate.

If Fisher Jones Greenwood can assist you in the Preparation of your Will or assist in drafting a Letter of Wishes, then please contact us on 01206 700113 or email [email protected] to arrange a mutually convenient appointment.